We’re thrilled to announce our 7th TGIF/F convention!
We hope you’ll come join other femslash fans from around the world to celebrate what we love most: GAL PALS
FEBRUARY 13-16, 2025
Golden Sails Hotel
6285 E. Pacific Coast Highway
Long Beach, California 90803
(562) 596-1631
Con 3-Day Pass: $120
Hotel nightly rate: $130
TO BOOK IN OUR BLOCK: Call Vicki or Eduardo, the hotel’s sales department representatives, at (562) 594-0210.
September 9, 2024 – Early registration opens for returning attendees; Attendee-only Discord opens
September 23 – General registration opens; Hotel booking opens
October – Panel nominations open
December – Registered attendees vote on panels; Schedule released
January 13, 2025 – Deadline to book in hotel block
February 13-16 – Con!
3+ Full Days
This is a fan convention over three and a half days. We’ll kick off the party Thursday evening with registration, fun events, and socializing opportunities with new friends. Then, Friday through Sunday, programming runs morning til night with meal breaks built in. For the full con experience, plan to arrive Thursday afternoon and stay until Monday morning. Many people will extend their trip further to have more social time or save on flight costs, so check with your friends to see how you can make the most of your vacation.
Under 100 Attendees
Unlike large conventions where you might get lost in the crowd, we choose to keep it on the smaller side with a cap of 100 attendees, plus staff. This provides a more intimate experience for making friends, building relationships, and taking part in conversations — not just listening to other people have them. Our attendees nominate and vote on panel topics to create a con they want to attend. TGIF/F is built with you — the femslash fan — in mind, and we want you to be a part of shaping what happens there.
20+ Discussion Panels
Every year, TGIF/F features meta discussion panels about a wide variety of topics in the broader realm of femslash fandom.
We also feature discussion panels focused on single fandoms/shows as well as multi-fandom genres. This is a great opportunity to connect with other attendees, discussing recent media sources as well as those that have come and gone. And if you don’t see what you want to talk about on our schedule, create your own DIY panel!

Nothing beats the energy of a live auction! Bid on awesome fannish and pride items to take home—many not available anywhere else—in support of the con.
Club Femslash
Our 3-hour Saturday night vidshow dance party! Come dance the night away as upbeat fanvids about ladies light up the big screen. This year’s theme: Pink Pony Club Femslash!
Fic Battle
A long-running favorite! Teams of writers build a femslash fic from scratch in a live onscreen relay, with genres and prompts changing every three minutes. Always original, always hilarious!
Love Me Bait Me
A US film premiere! This feature documentary explores the historical relationship between Hollywood, television, and the authentic portrayal of diverse LGBTQ+ experiences over the course of more than a century. Interviews (including some TGIF/F attendees) and archival footage provide a feminist critique of the U.S. film industry that emphasizes the life-saving role storytelling plays in our collective imagination for a better future. After the film, we will have a Q&A with the director, Rachel van der Bie. https://lovemebaitmefilm.com/
The More You Know!
Brand new this year, this is your opportunity to recruit other attendees into your fandom, hobby, or topic of interest. You get 5-8 minutes to sell us on why it’s so great or teach us all about it. Powerpoints encouraged but not required! Sign up in advance.
Open Mic Night
We always end the con with a showcase of attendees sharing songs, comedy, poetry, music, hidden talents, and other gems with each other.
Find a team and buckle up for multiple rounds of femslash trivia about your favorite shows, ships, actresses, and more!
Different every year, TGIF/F shows a femslash vidshow! Come see 45 minutes of great fanvids of beloved female characters, including many new premiering vids!