2024 CON
We were thrilled to return to TGIF/F on February 15-18, 2024, after a 4-year COVID hiatus. ~75 femslashers came together for a wonderful con reunion.
Meta Panel Descriptions
The past few years have been rough for all of us - A pandemic! Environmental Disasters! Politics! The WORLD is on fire! And some of us have our own personal struggles as well. It can be hard to engage with fandom when everything is a struggle. Is fandom helpful? What role does it play in helping us move through struggles and grieve what we've lost?
Fandom is different now because media is different now--far more shows are released than we could ever watch, but the vast majority get short lifespans, often before new fans can find them; media is being pulled from streaming and not released in hard copy, and so on. Parallel to all this, social media continues to evolve to new platforms and with Gen Z coming into their own. How has changing times changed our fannish habits, approach to fandom, engagement with fandom, enjoyment of fandom, etc., and where things might be headed?
Everyone has their favorites, so let's talk about 'em! What do you gravitate toward as a writer or reader/watcher and why? We've had great conversations like this before and it's always a happy good time, so why not do it again!
Is there a line to draw when you are “too old” to flail and be in a fandom? Can you still appreciate shows and ships when you skew older than the typical demographic? While there has definitely been an uptick in queer media with and for older queer people, it still feels few and far between. Why are older fans drifting further from fandom and how do we feel about it?
We're all attending this con, to some degree, because femslash brings us joy. Let's dig back into just what we love about it -- the connections, the ships, the memories, the moments, the representation, and so much more -- and share that joy with each other again.
Why are we drawn to mean girls, villains, and ladies with guns, swords and knives? Let's discuss all the ways we love characters who could and would destroy us!
Three years since the last con means there are three years’ worth of attractive, powerful, interesting older women in media we haven’t been able to discuss. What have we seen improving about the representation and diversity of older female characters in media? What do we still want to see? Who do we find ourselves returning to when current media is lacking?
Fandoms come and go, but racism within them remains no matter how many ships sail. How can white queer folks be better allies and show their support of BIPOC and other marginalized groups? When and where is it non-BIPOC’s responsibility to speak up? This panel explores the ways in which queer fandom spaces affect how intersectionality works within them and how we can amplify each other’s voices in order for everyone to be seen and heard.
A panel to discuss our favorite, maybe otherwise overlooked characters across all fandoms. Why is that tertiary support character so hot and yet they get so little screen time? (Probably to attack us personally.) Let's give some love and attention to the uncelebrated sidekicks, best friends, henchfolk, classmates, etc.
Fandom Panels
A League of Their Own
The Last of Us
The Marvels
Michelle Yeoh
Sci-Fi /Fantasy Books
Space Queers
Warrior Nun

Spotlight: Vidshow
Different every year, this con’s spotlight was a mega femslash vidshow! We watched dozens of great vids produced during the hiatus, including many new premiering vids!
Club Femslash
Our 3-hour Saturday night vidshow dance party! We danced the night away as upbeat fanvids about ladies lit up the big screen.
Fic Battle
A long-running favorite! Teams of writers built a femslash fic in a live onscreen relay, with genres and prompts changing every three minutes. Always original, always hilarious!
Nothing beats the energy of a live auction! Attendees raised $11,000 bidding on awesome fannish and pride items to take home in support of the con.
Open Mic Night
We always end the con with a showcase of attendees sharing songs, comedy, poetry, music, hidden talents, and other gems with each other.