2025 CON

Thank you to the attendees who made our seventh con truly wonderful!

TGI ‘25 was held in Long Beach, CA on February 13-16, 2025. We had a fantastic line-up of femslash panels and events over three and a half days. If you’re considering joining us in future years, this will give you a great idea of what kind of programming to expect and a sample schedule. Each November/December, our registered attendees nominate and vote on the panels that appear on the schedule.






Meta Panel Descriptions

  • How do we engage in community and mutual aid when we're disabled? Let's discuss barriers, how we've overcome them, and find community amongst ourselves.

  • When things get tough, what stories (fictional or non-fictional) do we look to not just for comfort, but for a sense of liberation and hope?

  • To talk about the ways in which media or fandom have affected our self-conception in terms of gender, including a discussion of favorite trans/non-binary characters.

  • What are some of your favorites that fit this genre?

  • A follow-up discussion of the themes and content within the documentary.

  • Why do the gays love musicals so much? What are your favorite musicals? What are the GAYEST musicals? Who's back in their Gelphie feels?

  • A combination of two highly voted topics: Why we love lethal characters who could kill us, and our favorite strong characters, because we love arm.

  • Fandoms come and go, but racism within them remains no matter how many ships sail. How can white queer folks be better allies and show their support of BIPOC and other marginalized groups? When and where is it non-BIPOC’s responsibility to speak up? This panel explores the ways in which queer fandom spaces affect how intersectionality works within them and how we can amplify each other’s voices in order for everyone to be seen and heard.

  • Who doesn't love to watch a bad girl turn those skills towards good?

Fandom Panels

Agatha All Along


BIPOC Horror

House of the Dragon

Katie McGrath

Marvel Femslash




Video Games




  • Auction

    Nothing beats the energy of a live auction! Bid on awesome fannish and pride items to take home—many not available anywhere else—in support of the con.

  • Club Femslash

    Our 3-hour Saturday night vidshow dance party! Come dance the night away as upbeat fanvids about ladies light up the big screen. This year’s theme: Pink Pony Club Femslash!

  • Fic Battle

    A long-running favorite! Teams of writers build a femslash fic from scratch in a live onscreen relay, with genres and prompts changing every three minutes. Always original, always hilarious!

  • Love Me Bait Me

    US Premiere: A feature documentary that explores the historical relationship between Hollywood, television, and the authentic portrayal of diverse LGBTQ+ experiences. After the film we had a Q&A with the director, Rachel van der Bie and edit Erika Lygren. lovemebaitmefilm.com

  • The More You Know!

    Brand new this year, this is your opportunity to recruit other attendees into your fandom, hobby, or topic of interest. You get 5-8 minutes to sell us on why it’s so great or teach us all about it. Powerpoints encouraged but not required! Sign up in advance.

  • Open Mic Night

    We always end the con with a showcase of attendees sharing songs, comedy, poetry, music, hidden talents, and other gems with each other.

  • Trivia

    Find a team and buckle up for multiple rounds of femslash trivia about your favorite shows, ships, actresses, and more!

  • Vidshow

    Different every year, TGIF/F shows a femslash vidshow! Come see 45 minutes of great fanvids of beloved female characters, including many new premiering vids!